Terms of Service

Last updated: 05/30/23

Welcome to Idle Brewery, a game developed and published by Tiny Gigantic Games. Please read these Terms of Service ("Terms", "Terms of Service") carefully before using the Idle Brewery game ("the Game").

1. Acceptance of Terms

By accessing and using the Game, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and provision of these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to abide by these terms, please do not use or access the Game.

2. Age Requirement

You must be at least 17 years of age to use the Game. By using the Game, you represent and warrant that you are at least 17 years old.

3. Privacy

Our Game collects personal data through its SDKs, such as Ironsource. Please refer to our Privacy Policy to understand how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information.

4. Purchases

If you wish to purchase any product or service made available through the Game ("Purchase"), you may be asked to supply certain information relevant to your Purchase. All purchases are processed through the platforms where the purchase was made, and any refunds will be handled according to the policies of those platforms.

5. Advertisements

Our Game may feature advertisements from third-party companies. By using the Game, you agree to receive these advertisements.

6. User Accounts

By creating an account, you represent that the information you provide is accurate and complete. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information, including your password, and for all activity that occurs under your account.

You can request the deletion of your account by sending an email to contact@tinygiganticgames.com. Your account and all associated data will be deleted within a reasonable period following your request.

7. Restrictions

You agree not to use the Game in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair the Game or interfere with any other party's use of the Game.

8. Dispute Resolution

If you have any concern or dispute about the Game, you agree to first try to resolve the dispute informally by contacting Tiny Gigantic Games.

9. Changes to Terms

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. We will provide notice of any changes by posting the new Terms on this page.

10. Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at contact@tinygiganticgames.com.